Minggu, 12 Juli 2015

How to Split or Merge PDF files

Split Merge PDF files

1/ How to Split a PDF into several pages? (divide it into parts)

 Just use a virtual printer and print only the desired pages:
 - For this, it's necessary to have virtual printer as PDF Creator. Download and install it.
 - Open the desired PDF document
 - Take notice about the pages to keep. Note them somewhere if necessary.
 - Go to: File (ALT + F)> print (or CONTROL + P)
 - In the printer name (ALT + N) choose with down arrow the virtual printer you just installed (PDF Creator).
 - TAB to "Pages" (or ALT + G)
 - Now indicate the number of pages to keep, it will therefore be the same effect as cutting a PDF.

 - To keep only multiple pages, for example: from page 3 to 8: Write 3-8
 - To keep a single page: write its number
 - To keep certain scattered pages: 2;6;8 (separated by semicolon)
 - To keep some pages that follow with separate pages and then one page, for example page 1 and from page 5 to 9 and then page 13 and page 16: we write 1;5-9;13;16
 - Hit Enter to OK (or TAB to the OK button)
 - Give a name and check the location where your new file will be saved.

2/ How to Merge multiple PDF?

 To assemble multiple PDF files into one, you can use, also, PDF Creator (free) which is used as a printer.

 - To do this open all PDF files that you want to gather. Then, for the first file, click: File > Print, select PDF Creator as a printer and start printing. PDFCreator opens a dialog box: you must click on "Wait collate" Button.
 - Open the second file and click: File > Print ... And so on until the last PDF file.
The PDF Creator's window "Print Monitor" displays the list of all files (they must all be highlighted).
 - Go finally to "Document" menu and click Merge.

 Having troubles? Ask your question in a comment below :)

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