Kamis, 11 September 2014

Opera Mini for Windows Phone gets updated again to fix the issues

After the recent http://phonewiththemjustabout.blogspot.com /2014/09/opera-mini-joins-windows-phone.html" target="_blank">integration of Opera Mini for WindowsPhone, it gets updates once more, adding the improvements and fixing the instability issues found on the app. The update was a result of the feedback from the users, reporting about the frequent crashes of the app when loading websites.

So if you have been experiencing this inconvenience too, then you can already use your favorite mobile browsers without this type of frustrating problems. Thus the newest version is said to come with a number of fixed bugs including all the suggestions of the users. Despite this huge range of fixes, the developers of the app still urge the users to continue leaving feedback for the possible remaining instability issues.
You may again download the updated version of Opera Mini Beta for Windows Phone from Windows Phone market. 

Photo courtesy of WP Central

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